Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Attire throughout the conference

Attire throughout the conference

Ice Breaking
Opening and Closing ceremonies
School uniform preferably with school blazer
Keynote address/ Plenary Session 1/Plenary session 2
School uniform
Workshops  A,B and C
School uniform
Breaking barriers
School T-shirt
Optional night tour
PowerPoint Competition
School uniform
SISC Idol 2015
Smart casual
SISC Idol participants
Suitable for performance
Heritage tour
SISC T-shirt(will be provided)
Farewell banquet
Traditional costume

* All delegates are strictly not allowed to wear shorts, short skirts and sleeveless tops.
Hello everyone! Excited yet? 3 more days left!! Anyways here are the rules and regulations for the 6th SISC. We hope everyone tries their best to abide by the rules. Thank you!

The delegates are required to oblige to the following rules at all times. The Organising Committee will not be responsible for any loss or injuries due to lack of cooperation in following the rules.

1.   In the hotel
- Delegates are required to keep their hotel room cards safe and away from electronic devices.
- Delegates are required to be PUNCTUAL for all sessions.
- Male delegates are not allowed into the rooms of female delegates and vice versa.

2.  Conference Propper
-      All electronic devices are to be switched off or put on silent mode.
-      The delegates are encouraged to give their full attention to the speakers and cooperate with the facilitators during the sessions
- Delegates are also encouraged to pose questions to speakers during the sessions.

3.  Heritage tour
-       All delegates are to listen to the instructions of the tour guide on board.
-      No changing of buses is allowed.
-      All delegates are encouraged to stay close together for safety purposes.

4.   "Breaking Barriers"
-      Delegates must prioritise their safety as games are going to be carried out in malls.
-      Delegates must meet up at the designated places on time to prevent delays.

5.   Optional tour
-      There will be an optional tour on Sunday night. Those who are interested to join will need to pay  RM 30 upon registration during the briefing on Saturday.

6.   SISC Idol
-      All delegates must switch off or put on silent mode all their electronic devices.
-      Delegates are encouraged to cheer for the participants.
-      The audio back-up for the performance must be saved in a thumb drive/CD and labelled with delegates' school name and and passed to the committee during the briefing on Saturday.
-  Delegates are advised to create another copy in a separate thumb drive as back up.

7.   Cultural performance
-      Delegates are required to prepare all the necessities for the performance beforehand. Eg: musical instruments,props and costumes. Should the delegates require any assistance, do inform the committee members.
-      Delegates are encouraged to be in their cultural costume during the farewell banquet.
-      The audio back-up for the performance must be saved in a thumb drive/CD and passed to the committee during the briefing on Saturday.
-      Delegates are advised to create another copy in a separate thumb drive as back up.
-      If required, video must also be saved in a thumb drive in either WMV or AVI format.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Questions to be discussed during SISC15

Hey guys! Hope you're all really excited for the upcoming conference cause we definitely are. Anyways, here are the questions that will be discussed during the conference workshop. You are all encouraged to research and have a little knowledge about these questions as they are related to the theme and will be discussed during the conference. Researching these questions and topics will also make it easier for you to pose questions to the speakers. Hope you have a nice day. Thanks!


        1. The future is now. Activists now have access to unlikely tools: satellite technology to deter mass atrocities in South Sudan, civil society leaders in Iran and Southeast Asia distributing encrypted media of demonstrations and geo-targeted apps that aid famine relief in East Africa and combat global human trafficking. Technology has transformed the way governments, corporations and movements around the world. How we continue to innovate and anticipate challenges will steer the future of human rights.

We are aware that innovation takes place to revolutionise our world. Is it possible to balance out humanity and innovation simultaneously?

            2. Innovation has definitely brought a whole new era from medicine to technology and even                     life as a whole. Should humanity be considered in the strive for technology?


       1.  Animal research plays a crucial role in scientists’ understanding of diseases and the                            developmental of effective medical treatment. As of right now, millions or even billions of                  rats, mice, rabbits, cats and other animals are locked inside cold, barren cages in laboratories                across the world. All they can do is sit in their cold cages and wait in fear for the next                          terrifying and painful procedure that will be performed to them.

            Do you think it is morally acceptable for scientists to use live animals in research for                           medicine? If not, what is the alternative for testing medicine to ensure that they are safe to be               used on humans?

  2. Every day, we are faced with choices about the purchases we make—and those purchases can have a profound impact on wildlife. While many wildlife products are sold legally around the world, there is also tremendous demand for illegal products made from endangered species. This demand feeds wildlife crime and devastates populations of many species.

What are the pros and cons of banning animal products? Is it   
possible for us to stop the usage of animal products?

Invention of weapons/Nano Technology/Cosmetics

         1. Who can think at this present time without the sickening of the heart of the appalling                           slaughter, the suffering, the manifold misery brought by war to Spain and to China? Who can             think without horror of what another widespread war would mean, waged as it would be with             all the new weapons of mass destruction?

            Should we address humanity in the strive for invention of weapons?

  2.  Scientists currently debate the future implications of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology may be able to create many new materials and devices with a vast range of applications, such as in medicine, electronics, biomaterials energy production, and consumer products. On the other hand, nanotechnology raises many of the same issues as any new technology, including concerns about the toxicity  and environmental impact of nanomaterials, and their potential effects on global economics, as well as speculation about various doomsday scenarios.

Discuss the impact of nanotechnology towards the health of environment.

       3.   Most of us probably do not give much thought to our morning rituals, to the extent that we                 are half awake   doing them. But the array of personal care products we use each day—from               toothpaste and shampoo to lipstick—can affect us more adversely than we realise. Are we                   aware that the chemicals used as the key ingredients of these personal care products could                   affect us adversely?

           Do you think it is possible for us to replace the risky ingredients with something that is safer?              Do you think organic cosmetic products will make any difference?

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

We have an Instagram page!

Hello everyone! We hope you are ready because our SISC 2015 is just 10 days away! Be sure to follow our Instagram page @6thsisc2015 because we will be having an Instagram competition as well during our conference. Look out for more exciting news and countdown there too! See you soon!

Instagram page - @6thsisc2015